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Hi, I’m Stacey!


Here’s a little glimpse of my life. I met Joey at Bible school. He was the first boy that was my best friend before I dated him.

If I could go back in time I would find

I always thought we’d be the parents living at the soccer field with four boys running around.

Your such a great momma...Happy Mother's

God had a different plan for us! Girls!!!

Quarantine photo shot before the blue bo

At 29, I found myself in an emergency room, having a heart attack. That event closed the door for us to have anymore biological children.

It has been almost 3️⃣ years since we st

That didn’t define our story it developed it! I’m thankful that what the enemy tried to use for evil God overturn for


Congratulations @kyheeke & @bree_manning

God use that moment to challenge me to be my present in my life! It also opened our hearts loving a lot more people.

Love doing ministry with this crew! @sta

When Joey followed the Lord‘s leading to become a children’s pastor our church, I took a step outside my comfort zone, hoping to add a little financially to our family.

So proud of this girl and our awesome te

That decision changed everything!

About to get this started! #itworks #itw

My sister-in-law had jumped and asked me to join her. I saw her posting on social media I thought there was no way and was super scared that people would think.

So excited to see all that is happening

Six months into this business.  I tripled my income as a receptionist at my girls school. That brought the opportunity for me to own my own time.


Joey and I both fell in love with the product.


50 pounds gone and quality of life improved!

Babe what an amazing start to conference

That was almost 7 years ago. We haven’t looked back. Now I’m getting to help others do the same!


I’m just a girl who decided to go for it!



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